Wednesday 8 July 2015




Dated 07th July 2015
Dear delegates, Observers and Guests,

It is a matter of great privilege to present the secretary`s report in this bieniel conference. Although the both the AICAEA and AICAEA(cat-II) are separate entities, the functioning of both at the branch level is of joint approach to the issues akin the NFCAA at the central level. It is therefore proposed to present a joint report of the activities of both the association taking the paucity of time into consideration. It is hoped that the members present would permit the same for the smooth running of business.

              Although there is a convention of placing the Global, National and Local scenario, Political and economic scene in particular as a part of the report , it is not included to save precious time of the house. This may please be excused. However, there is another convention of offering tributes to the departed souls, particularly from the working class and also from our organization. The following persons were snatched from us by the Jaws of death, let`s pay our tributes to them.


Com. S.K.Vyas, Advisor to the confederation of C.G. Employees & workers and the tallest amongst the JCM leaders, expired on 13.02.2015 at Jodhpur. The contribution of Com. Vyas to the movement in General and the C.G. Employees struggle particular can never be matched and his absence from central stage would surely be missed by all of us especially during this hour of crisis. A Branch level condolence meeting was organized on 18.02.2015. We dip our pen in red to pay homage to Com.Vyas.

Com.  V.P.R. Pillai, Senior leader of Railways President of the SCRMU expired during the period. We pay our respectful homage to Com. Pillai.

Com. E.M. Vijayashree, Sr.Acct, RPAO, SOI, Hyderabad expired on 23.082014.  She was a very dedicated comrade and participated in all the struggles of the Association.

Com. D.Murali, LDC of PAO,GSI expired on 25.06.2014.  He was a stout supported of the Association and participated in almost all programmes and conferences of the Association.

Com. Upendra, MTS,PAO, ASI expired on 11.04.2015.He was a dedicated comrade.

Com. Andhra Vani, retired Sr .Acct of ZAO,CBDT,Hyderabad expired during the period. We solemnly mourn the demise of Com.Andhra Vani.
Apart from these , many innocent lives were lost in terrorist attacks, communal riots, political unrest, natural calamities, we mourn of all those who embraced death due to various reasons.

Let us pay homage to all these departed soul by observing one minute silence in their remembrance.


Now, we`ll straight away go into the activities of the Association during the period. Immediately after the conduct of our Branch conference in May 2013, a 25 plus strong delegation from the Branch attended the All Inida conference at Kolkata from 9 to 11 July 2013, the financial commitment made for the conference was duly fulfilled through donation and advertisements in the souvenir. Com Ajit Huparikar was elected Addl. Secy. General of AICAEA and Com. A. Srinivas as Vice President & Com B.S. Nagendra as Asstt. Secretary General of AICAEA (Cat-II),

Even as we were to alight for Hyderabad from the conference, the news of unilateral transfer of 5 Delhi based Sr. Accountants of Min of Urban Affairs & Employment from Delhi to various outstations, for their fight against and for exposing various corrupt activities of the CCA shocked the entity of the Civil Accounts Organization. The impounding spontaneous agitation against the transfers continued for a few months and the Branch was a proud part of various forms of struggles on the issue like Demonstration, Dharnas etc., and we strengthened the hands of the Central Head Quarters, till the issue was clinched and all the employees were posted back to their home station with full dignity and honour.

Close on the heels of this agitation , another responsibility of mobilizing members for the 48 hour general strike was under taken by the Association.  Since the major demands of the confederation`s call were all linked to the VII CPC , including the finalization of terms of reference we were ridiculed, not only by the beaurocracy, but also by big brothers of JCM. i.e., Railway and Defence organization about the futility of the strike action , particularly as the notification for General election were under way, we undetered, marched forwarded and succeeded not only in total success of the strike , but also in twisting the arms of the Government, as the terms of reference of the VII CPC were finalized on 19.02.2014.

Thereafter, during March 2014, a dharna programme at the call of JAC of Audit and Accounts Officers and Employees’ organizations at Dak Sadan saw enthusiastic participation of Civil Accounts employees. The Convention of the JAC on 18.07.2014 was also very successful and Federal Executive members from the Branch attended the Convention and provided vital inputs as the spokespersons of the NFCAA. Even just before the General elections, on 3rd and 4th of April, 2014 the Convention on 15 Point Charter of Demands at Nagpur was attended by the Federal Executive members.

During the Month of Sept’2014, Federal Council Meeting of the NFCAA was held at Kochi and about 15 members from the Branch participated in the same. Com. B.S.Nagendra was elected as the Secretary of the Federation for a two year term.

Towards the end of the year 2014, the authorities of CBEC unleashed a reign of terror by victimizing and harassing the employees for pursuing their genuine demands, even the Secretary General was not spared from the torture. Our branch participated in the series of Organisational programmes over the issues spanning over three months, including Dharna before the Pr. CCA, CBEC’s Office at New Delhi on 25.03.2015 by our National Executive members. We also did an independent dharna demanding transparent and uniform transfer policy and justice to those members who were posted out while filling up vacancies arising locally. The Dharna on 11.01.2015 at PAO, NH was appreciated by various branches. The Category II association convened a meeting in the month of January to decide about the filing of case with regard to the award of pay band and grade pay akain to their staff who are in receipt of 5400 grade pay due to MACP. A campaign was undertaken to get petition to the head of the departments signed by the members over the issue as it is a legal compulsion. The petitions are at various levels of consideration in different ministries and the future course of action would be taken as soon as they are disposed by the authorities.

The most striking feature of all this programmes was the active participation of women members, the lady comrades have always been the strength of the associations and would continue to be so. The tenures are successful conduct of women’s day celebrations during March 2014 and 2015. The All India confederation as decided to organize a workshop of women central govt. employees in Hyderabad during October 2015 members. Let us hope that our lady commarades work intandem towards the success of the workshop.

JCM and Confederation

The convention of NJCM at New Delhi on 07-11-2014 gave a clarion call to all states to form regional level JCAs. AP & TS were amongst the first to form Regl. JCA on 31-12-2014 under the chairmanship of Com. Prabhakr Andrew and Com. Shankra Rao, Com, P.A. Azeez was inducted in the 9 members standing committee of JCM and Com. Ajit Hupaikar to the 30 odd members steering committee of the Regl. JCM.

A state level convention of the Regional JCM held on 28-01-2015 at NFIR auditorium, Secundberabad and civil accounts employees participated in large numbers to the convention.

The call of chalo parliament on 28-04-2015 was a great success and 15 civil A/cs employees participated enthusiastically in the same, it was during this programme, that the resolve of NJCA to oranize indefinite strike from 23-11-2015 was announced on the issues relating to the VII CPC.

The state council of confederation (CCGEW) was held at Nirman Bhavan, Hyderabad on 8th & 9th Nov. 2015. Com. Azeez as Asst. Secretary General and Ajit Ahupaikar as finance Secy. Were bestowed with responsibilities in the team of the confederation. Members of Civil A/cs organization were prominently covered in the documentary of the council in the state owned television channel.   

Revival of Units

Soon after the successful implementation of 48 hours strike, the branch leadership took upon the responsibility of reviving the unit of ZAO, CBDT, Hyderabad. After series of negotiations and discussions and great sense of matured understanding from both sides, we were successful in the revival of the unit in a befitting manner. Not only this, the unit of ZAO, CBDT, Hyd. Also co-operating in the formation of unit of CBDT at Visakhapatnam. The unit deserves kudos for not only its revival, but also enthusiastic participation of its members in all the programmes fo the Association. Now, we can proudly say that all civil A/cs officers in AP & TS are represented as our units and this is a great achievement on part of associatin.

Future task

We are facing an out rightly anti working class government as is evident from the amendment of labour laws to the detriment of the workers. All the rights and previleges of the working class and snatched away one after another it is under this backdrop that the TUs have given the call of General strike on 02-09-2015. C.G. employees are goverened by stringent conduct rules and whatever previleages we enjoy are a product of labour friendly laws. Any deflection of these laws would futher dwindle our fight. It is therefore absolutely necessary tht we take all steps to succeed in the strike action.

Expectation from the VII CPC are also like digging borewell in desert. Demands for DA merger and IR stand summarily rejected. The JCM had demanded Rs. 26000/- as minimum pay on 01-01-2014 (As per the need based min. wage of Dr. Akhloyd Formula), at todays rate it would be Rs. 32000/- w.e.f. 01-01-2016. There is a great danger that the VII CPC give only about 50 to 60% of the due wage. It is under this context the call of indefinite strike from 23-11-2015 assumes greater significance. We must be vigilant and alert our membership and prepare them for the strike action.

Co-ordination and unit amongst the various organizations of civil accounts must be established. It is either fight unitedly or perish. AICAEA and AICAEA (Cat- II) are united as NFCAA. There is solemn need for bringing greater unity by engulfing the AIAPAO (C) as issues relating to the VII CPC cadre restructuring in civil accounts etc., are to be fought untedily.

So underlying the slogan of unity, we take reprieve, we shall fight and fight untidily and emerge victorious with the support of you all

With revolutionary greetings

   (P.A. AZEEZ)                                                                                              (B.S. NAGENDRA)
Branch Secretary                                                                           Branch Secretary
     AICAEA                                                                                  AICAEA (CAT-II)

Friday 3 July 2015



No. AICAEA/AP Br./2015-16/Notice                                                               03rd July 2015


In terms of the provisions laid down in the Article 13 (Part-III) of the Constitution of All India Civil Accounts Employees’ Association, it is hereby notified that, the Joint Branch Conference of both the Associations and Women’s Convention will be held on 07th July 2015 from 02.00 PM onwards.

VENUE: The venue of the Conference will be –

Conference Hall,
1st Floor, Kendriya Sadan,
Sultan Bazar, Koti,

AGENDA:  Following will be agenda for the Branch Conference.
1.    Presentation of the report of the organization since last Branch Conference and its adoption.
2.    Women’s Convention.
3.    Review of the functioning of the Organization.
     (a)   Functioning of Units.
     (b)   Functioning of Women’s Forum
4.    Amendment of the Constitution of All India Civil Accounts Employees’ Association.
5.    “Joint Action Committee with All India Association of PAO’s AP
6.    Policy, programme and Resolution(s).
(a)  Amendment to the Name of the Branch
(b) Implementation of Transfer Policy
(c)  Co-ordination with the AIAPAO’s Association

7.    Election of Branch Executive Committee for AICAEA, AICAEA (Cat-II) and Women’s Forum the next term.
8.    Any other item (with the permission of Chair).
9.    Vote of thanks.

(P.A. AZEEZ)                                                                                                 (B.S. NAGENDRA)
Branch Secretary                                                                          Branch Secretary
AICAEA                                                                                      AICAEA (Cat II)

Forwarded for necessary action
(i)           Branch Executive members
(ii)          Convener, Women’s Forum

(iii)         All Unit Secretaries

Tuesday 30 June 2015


14th All India Conference of All India Civil Accounts Employees’ Association

All India Civil Accounts Employees Association
Central Headquarters
Phone No. 011-23345070, Mob. No. 9868520926 e-mail:- v.aicaea@gmail.com

Central Office: -                                                                                         Address for Communication:-
16-A, Akbar Road Hutments,                                                                              17/2 – C, P & T Quarters,
New Delhi: - 110011                                                                                                          Kali Bari Marg,                                                                                                                        New Delhi-110001

No. AICAEA/HQ/ A-8/14thAIC/2015                                                       Dated: 3rd June, 2015

            The Controller General of Accounts,
            Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure,
            Loknayak Bhawan,
            Khan Market,
            New Delhi-110003

Subject: 14th All India Conference of All India Civil Accounts Employees’ Association.


            The 14th All India Conference of the All India Civil Accounts Employees’ Association will be held at Chennai from 15th July to 17th July 2015 and as per provision of the Constitution, this Association has issued the “Notification” for the Conference under No. AICAEA/HQ/ A-8/14thAIC/2015 dated 3rd June 2015
The Part-A portion of the “Notification” is enclosed herewith for your kind information and necessary action.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Enclo: as above
Secretary General

Copy to all Pr. CCA/CCA/CAs along-with a copy of the Notification referred above. They are requested kindly to grant Special Causal leave to the Delegates of Conference from their offices/field offices.

Secretary General

All India Civil Accounts Employees Association
Central Headquarters
Phone No. 011-23345070, Mob. No. 9868520926 e-mail:- v.aicaea@gmail.com

Central Office: -                                                                                         Address for Communication:-
16-A, Akbar Road Hutments,                                                                              17/2 – C, P & T Quarters,
New Delhi: - 110011                                                                                                          Kali Bari Marg,                                                                                                                        New Delhi-110001

No. AICAEA/HQ/ A-8/14thAIC/2015                                                       Dated: 3rd June, 2015

In terms of the provisions laid down in the Article 13 (Part-II), may be read with the Articles 4(a), 5, 6, 7 and 14(Part-II) of the Constitution of All India Civil Accounts Employees’ Association, it is hereby notified that, the 14th All India Conference of the Association will be held in Chennai from 15th July to 17th July 2015.
VENUE: The venue of the Conference will be –
The venue, located at a central place, is well connected to different parts of the city by rail and road. 
INAUGURATION AND OPEN SESSION: The Inaugural Session and Open Session will start from 10 am & 2 pm of 15th July 2015 respectively after flag hoisting ceremony and offering of floral tributes to Martyrs column. The venue for the Inaugural Session and Open Session will be-
COMPOSITION OF THE CONFERENCE: Composition of the Conference will be as defined in the Article 5 (a) & (b) of the Constitution. All the delegates should ensure before the commencement of the Conference that, Headquarters Quota upto 3/2015 has been deducted and remitted to Central Headquarters by the concerned DDOs of the Unit/Branch they are representing.
WOMEN’S CONVENTION: 6th National Convention of the Women’s Committee will be held on 16th July 2015 in terms of the Article 7(e) (i) of the constitution. The Branch level Women’s Committee Members being the Delegates for the Convention in addition to the National Women’s Committee Members, Branches and Units are to bring women delegates as per the number they are entitled to.
ARRIVAL OF DELEGATES:  Delegates should reach Chennai by the evening of 14th July 2015 so that the Conference could be started on 15th July 2015 at the scheduled time.
RECEPTION COMMITTEE: All India Civil Accounts Employees’ Association, Tamil and Pondicherry
Branch and All India Civil Accounts Employees’ Association Category-II, Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Branch being the host for the 14th All India Conference of All India Civil Accounts Employees’ Association, 6th All India Conference of All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category-II and 6th National Convention of Women’s Committee respectively, have formed the Reception Committee.
INTIMATION ABOUT ARRIVAL:  Branch and Unit Secretaries are requested to send the name of the Delegates/Observers and date of their arrival at  Chennai alongwith Train Nos. etc to the Reception Committee well in time so that all necessary arrangements could be made by the Reception Committee. The email address of the Branch/ Reception Committee is: wusc@gmail.comFollowing members of the Reception Committee may be contacted in case of urgency-
Office Tel No.044-28362251, Reception 044-2836 4422, Fax No.044-2836 0266
Phone Numbers of prime members of Reception Committee and National Office bearers:
1.                  Com. B Sitharam                                                         09444953539
2.                  Com. A Balasubramanian                                           09840809276
3.                  Com. G Narasimhan                                                    09840620722
4.                  Com. M S Manivasan                                                  09884480733
5.                  Com. K. Venkata Subramanian                                    09443735356
6.                  Com(Smti)L. Swaminathan                                          09445391264
7.                  Com. (Smt) N. Durga                                                   09939477049
8.                  Com. Narayanan                                                         09444298200
9.                  Com. Md. Usman Basha                                             09444536400
10.              Com. Jayashree Satish                                                            09840927345
11.              Com. J Uma Mahaeswaran                                         09444458519
12.              Com. Thiagarajan                                                        09710870443     
DELEGATE FEE: Delegate Fee will be Rs. 600/-(Rupees six hundred only) per Delegate/ Observer/ visitor and it will cover the food and lodging of the Delegate/ Observer/visitor while in Chennai.
ACCOMMODATION: - Accommodation for the stay of the delegates has been arranged within the vicinity of the venue of Conference. Separate accommodation for Women delegates will be provided.
SPECIAL CASUAL LEAVE: - As per Government of India instructions, all the delegates will be entitled to Special Casual Leave (including journey period).
The Part-A portion of this Notification has been forwarded to CGA and endorsed to all the Heads of the Departments. Hence, the Delegates are to apply for Special Casual leave by referring the notification No. and date and proceed to conference without waiting for the sanction order of Special Casual Leave. However, they are to apply for Special Casual Leave in advance.

AGENDA:  Following will be agenda for the 14th All India Conference.
  1. Presentation of the report of the organization since 13th All India Conference and its adoption.
  2. Adoption of the report of Audited Accounts and review of the financial position of the Organization.
  3. 6th Women’s Convention.
  4. Review of the functioning of the Organization -
(a)   Functioning of Central Headquarter, Branches and Units.
(b)   Membership mobilization
  1. Status of departmental demands and further course of action to be taken.
  2. Amendment of the Constitution of All India Civil Accounts Employees’ Association.
  3. National Federation of Civil Accounts Associations and building up of united movement of officers and employees of Civil Accounts organization.
  4. “Joint Action Committee of Accounts and Audit Employees and Officers Organizations” – building up of united movement of Accounts and Audit Employees and Officers.
  5.  Involvement of Civil Accounts Employees in the Confederation activities and Working Class movements.
  6. Policy, programme and Resolution(s).
  7. Election of National Executive Committee for the next term.
  8. Election of Auditor.
  9. Any other item (with the permission of Chair).
  10. Vote of thanks.
RESOLUTION: If any Branch/Unit wishes to move any resolution(s) or proposal, it should forward such document(s) to Central Headquarter before 5th July 2015.
AMENDMENT: If any Branch/Unit wishes to move any amendment(s) to Constitution, it should forward such document(s) to Central Headquarter before 20th June 2015.

Secretary General.

Forwarded for necessary action to
1.      All National Executive/Women Committee Members,
2.      Branch Secretaries, All Unit Secretaries,
3.       Secretary General, All India Civil Accounts Employees’ Association Category-II  
4.      All members of the Reception Committee.